University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

The Indus­try Ana­lyt­ics research group head­ed by Prof. Dr. Christoph Laroque is involved in Data­L­ab West­Sax. The team mem­bers from the West Sax­on Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences bring the fol­low­ing com­pe­ten­cies to Data­L­ab WestSax:

Imple­men­ta­tion of Simul+-real exper­i­ments

  • Data Quick Checks and Poten­tial Analy­sis: Every real exper­i­ment starts with the under­stand­ing of the entire process flow in the com­pa­ny. Based on this, it is ana­lyzed in order to dis­cov­er and iden­ti­fy potentials.
  • Poten­tial iden­ti­fi­ca­tion: Based on the poten­tial analy­sis, short-term (Data Quick Wins) as well as long-term (Long Term Wins) improve­ment mea­sures are iden­ti­fied and pre­sent­ed to the company.
  • Action plan­ning: In con­sul­ta­tion with the com­pa­ny, the desired Data Quick Wins are defined and their pro­cess­ing is sched­uled accord­ing­ly. Like­wise, the con­cep­tion of the Long Term Wins takes place, which are accom­pa­nied in par­al­lel over a longer peri­od of time.
  • Imple­men­ta­tion: Here, the step-by-step imple­men­ta­tion of the defined poten­tials takes place in order to advance the data-based val­ue cre­ation in the company.

Imple­men­ta­tion of dig­i­tal lab

  • Cre­ation as on-demand devel­op­ment space on the project website
  • Soft­ware appli­ca­tion takes place in coop­er­a­tion with tech­nol­o­gy part­ner sim­ba n3

Knowl­edge transfer

  • Cre­ate long-term added val­ue for com­pa­nies through: Work­shops, sem­i­nars and coaching
  • Find­ing syn­er­gies between research and prac­tice and build­ing a grow­ing under­stand­ing of the val­ue of data


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Laroque
Pro­fes­sur für Wirtschaftsin­for­matik, insb. Busi­ness Analytics

E‑Mail: kontakt[at]
Tele­fon +49 375 536 3508
Tele­fax +49 375 536 3104

Project tasks

  • Imple­men­ta­tion of Simul+ real experiments
  • Poten­tial con­sult­ing and analysis
    • Two team mem­bers spend two days with the respec­tive customer
    • var­i­ous con­sult­ing as well as analy­sis tasks
    • Devel­op­ment of solu­tion approach­es with the help of dash­board presentation
  • Iden­ti­fy start­ing points for improve­ment mea­sures from the customer’s busi­ness data
  • sci­en­tif­ic communication
  • data-dri­ven decisions
  • gen­er­ate added val­ue for the com­pa­ny through con­crete rec­om­men­da­tions for action
  • Focus on dig­i­ti­za­tion topics

Team members

Prof. Dr. Christoph Laroque

Project man­ag­er of the research project Data­L­ab West­Sax at the “West­säch­sis­chen Hochschule Zwickau”

Fabian Krabacz

Research assis­tant

Sandra Weiser

Research assis­tant

Alexander Detzel

Bach­e­lo­rand in the Data­L­ab WestSax

Henrike Gersch

Stu­dent assistant

    Mail  kontakt[at]