Simul+- real experiment
DataLab WestSax offers your company the opportunity to uncover previously undiscovered, data-based value-added potentials through solution-oriented and targeted through Simul+- real experiments and to create added value for you.
Potential analysis

Companies often lack concrete data usage and implementation ideas. Lack of resources or insufficient trust are examples of barriers that prevent many SMEs from using existing data as efficiently as possible. Based on your interest as a possible cooperation partner, a potential analysis is carried out in the company at the beginning, which is completely free of charge for you due to the funding of the project within the framework of the Simul+- initiative. The project team analyzes the entire business process chain for possible starting points for improvement measures.
Every potential analysis begins with a quick check. The goal is to efficiently familiarize with the given processes and procedures of your company. The Quick Check takes place in interviews along the order flow with predefined employees. In addition to the interviews, we record the existing IT and data basis of your company. This serves as the basis for our joint work. This is followed by the creation of a network of key performance indicators, which will provide indicators for targeted process improvements. Another component of the Quickcheck is the execution of a first examination of the company data. Developed dashboards are used for data visualization and provide information about the current utilization of your machines, the availability of materials, employees and other interesting aspects. The Quick Check concludes with a presentation of the results: The processes of the order flow are documented, initial potential for improvement is identified and sorted according to priority. However, depending on the wishes of the partner company, it is also possible for only individual company areas to be addressed more explicitly.
The effort involved amounts to 1.5 working days, with two consultants carrying out the data analysis in your company on the first day and a shorter version of the second day being used to evaluate and present the results. The results of the Quick Check are then used for a joint fine-tuning of the project goals in the project plan. Together with you, we derive first immediate measures that you can immediately apply in your company. In addition to the Quick Wins, Long Term Wins are derived, which are worked on over a longer period of time. It is also possible that you as a company already approach our project team with a concrete idea for potential improvement and that we then provide targeted support.
In case of positive feedback from the future cooperation partner, the processing of the Simul+ real experiment starts as soon as possible. Depending on the individually developed project plan, the most important milestones are already defined at the beginning in order to be able to focus on them. In addition, numerous interim meetings take place to show the first results as well as the procedure for the Simul+ real experiment. As a cooperation partner of DataLab WestSax, you have the opportunity to contribute further ideas and suggestions during the course of the experiment. In doing so, the team of DataLab WestSax accompanies you in the first steps and is supported in the further course by the use of IT service providers in the best possible way. Furthermore, the team of DataLab WestSax can support or mediate service providers if it goes beyond proof of concept.
The completion of the Simul+ real experiment including all discovered, data-based value creation potentials initiates the immediate implementation of these in your company. Both as a physical laboratory in Zwickau and as a digital laboratory, the DataLab Westsax is available to you at any time.