Fraunhofer IMW

The research group “Data Min­ing and Val­ue Cre­ation” head­ed by Prof. Heiko Gebauer is involved in Data­L­ab West­Sax. The group inves­ti­gates the changes in val­ue cre­ation in the con­text of the data and plat­form econ­o­my. The team mem­bers from Fraun­hofer IMW bring the fol­low­ing com­pe­ten­cies to Data­L­ab WestSax:

  • Use and val­ue of data: Cre­ation of “data land­scapes” or data ben­e­fit inven­to­ry and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of data uti­liza­tion poten­tials (via quick wins up to approach­es for a data val­ue cre­ation strat­e­gy), fur­ther­more poten­tial con­sult­ing on pos­si­bil­i­ties of data pro­cess­ing (mar­ket analy­ses) and pro­to­typ­i­cal fea­si­bil­i­ty stud­ies on data min­ing meth­ods, but also ini­tial cre­ative work­shops for ideas on data utilization.
  • Data-based ser­vice and busi­ness mod­el inno­va­tions: Whether ser­vice strate­gies for a dig­i­tal ori­en­ta­tion (e.g. “as-a-Ser­vice”; Sales Excel­lence in sell­ing dig­i­tal solu­tions; From con­nec­tiv­i­ty to dig­i­tal rev­enue), the design of data-based ser­vice port­fo­lios or even joint deriva­tion of growth paths in the con­text of data-based val­ue creation.
  • Data and plat­form econ­o­my: From iden­ti­fy­ing suit­able plat­form and data-based busi­ness mod­els, to a mar­ket overview of rel­e­vant val­ue net­works, the con­cep­tion of coop­er­a­tion mod­els, and the analy­sis of gov­er­nance issues.


Prof. Dr.  Heiko Gebauer
Project man­ag­er Data Min­ing und Wertschöpfung

Fraun­hofer-Zen­trum für Inter­na­tionales Man­age­ment und Wis­sensökonomie IMW
Neu­markt 9–19
04109 Leipzig

Tele­fon +49 341 231039–163
Mail heiko.gebauer[at]

Project tasks

As an inter­est­ed con­tact per­son of a com­pa­ny from (West)Saxony, you can work on these top­ics in Simul+-real exper­i­ments togeth­er with our team Data­L­ab West­Sax. Pre­vi­ous real exper­i­ments, which fol­low the com­pe­tences of the team mem­bers from Fraun­hofer IMW, will be ded­i­cat­ed to the fol­low­ing main topics: 
  • Con­cep­tion of pool­ing solu­tions in the the­mat­ic focus plat­form econ­o­my and val­ue networks
  • Sup­port in the devel­op­ment of a brand strat­e­gy tak­ing into account data uti­liza­tion potentials
  • Eval­u­a­tion of the poten­tial of sub­scrip­tion-based approach­es (e.g. pay per use) for busi­ness mod­el extension
In the area of data-based val­ue cre­ation, many excit­ing research ques­tions are con­ceiv­able for joint Simul+-real exper­i­ments with us — feel free to con­tact us!

Team members

Prof. Dr. Heiko Gebauer

Project leader of the research project Data­L­ab West­Sax at Fraun­hofer IMW Leipzig

Tel.    +49 341 231039 16
Mail   kontakt[at]



Prof. Dr. Christian Leyh

Team Leader Dig­i­tal Trans­for­ma­tion of the research project Data­L­ab West­Sax at Fraun­hofer IMW Leipzig

Tel.    +49 341 231039 279
Mail   kontakt[at]


Sarah Neuschl

Research assis­tant

Tel.    +49 341 231039 272
Mail   kontakt[at]


Victoria Kubenz

Research assis­tant

Tel.    +49 341 231039 277
Mail   kontakt[at]


Nico Kling

Research assis­tant

Tel.    +49 341 231039 273
Mail   kontakt[at]