Fraunhofer IMW
The research group “Data Mining and Value Creation” headed by Prof. Heiko Gebauer is involved in DataLab WestSax. The group investigates the changes in value creation in the context of the data and platform economy. The team members from Fraunhofer IMW bring the following competencies to DataLab WestSax:
- Use and value of data: Creation of “data landscapes” or data benefit inventory and identification of data utilization potentials (via quick wins up to approaches for a data value creation strategy), furthermore potential consulting on possibilities of data processing (market analyses) and prototypical feasibility studies on data mining methods, but also initial creative workshops for ideas on data utilization.
- Data-based service and business model innovations: Whether service strategies for a digital orientation (e.g. “as-a-Service”; Sales Excellence in selling digital solutions; From connectivity to digital revenue), the design of data-based service portfolios or even joint derivation of growth paths in the context of data-based value creation.
- Data and platform economy: From identifying suitable platform and data-based business models, to a market overview of relevant value networks, the conception of cooperation models, and the analysis of governance issues.

Prof. Dr. Heiko Gebauer
Project manager Data Mining und Wertschöpfung
Fraunhofer-Zentrum für Internationales Management und Wissensökonomie IMW
Neumarkt 9–19
04109 Leipzig
Telefon +49 341 231039–163
Mail heiko.gebauer[at]
Project tasks
- Conception of pooling solutions in the thematic focus platform economy and value networks
- Support in the development of a brand strategy taking into account data utilization potentials
- Evaluation of the potential of subscription-based approaches (e.g. pay per use) for business model extension

Team members

Prof. Dr. Heiko Gebauer
Project leader of the research project DataLab WestSax at Fraunhofer IMW Leipzig
Tel. +49 341 231039 16
Mail kontakt[at]

Prof. Dr. Christian Leyh
Team Leader Digital Transformation of the research project DataLab WestSax at Fraunhofer IMW Leipzig
Tel. +49 341 231039 279
Mail kontakt[at]

Sarah Neuschl
Research assistant
Tel. +49 341 231039 272
Mail kontakt[at]

Victoria Kubenz
Research assistant
Tel. +49 341 231039 277
Mail kontakt[at]

Nico Kling
Research assistant
Tel. +49 341 231039 273
Mail kontakt[at]